Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Not much going on around here, have a new wallpaper while you wait for something more... fulfilling.

Kylia the succubus.


  1. I love her! Very pretty and I love the pose she's in, too!

  2. Cute! I love her little tail.

  3. Succubus? Sure why not, its great idea. But in my opinion she could be more voluptuous, like an hourglas type. Still cant wait for something more fulfilling :D

  4. Gotta say, this is one of my favorite succubi I've seen!

  5. She's quite a little cutie. I'm surprised though; no wings?

  6. Ziggy, of course but, wouldn't you prefer it if all my girls were more voluptuous? it's a matter of personal preference :3

    crazymaniscrazy, wait till you see her in action ;)

    HiddenOne, I originally planed to add wings but, they tend to get in the way when they are fucking :p

  7. hi vaesark love the new girl/ can't wait to see her in action.

  8. Without getting myself in trouble, I've discovered a pic set of farm girl with animal partners, I know you stopped posting this sort here for legal reasons, but are you posting these somewhere else?

    By the way love the new character.

  9. I like the new girl... I'm sure I will enjoy seeing her fucking something. Preferably a monster with good abs instead of a potbelly... not that trolls and stuff aren't good, but there have been a LOT of potbellied males lately...

  10. darkart1000, I'll do other stuff before focusing on this girl, but I'll do something with her eventually.

    NightFall, I'm posting the beast stuff at Darksoul's forum, but a lot of people are having trouble registering/accessing so I'm looking for alternatives.

    Anon, "I like the new girl... I'm sure I will enjoy seeing her fucking something. Preferably a monster with good abs instead of a potbelly... not that trolls and stuff aren't good, but there have been a LOT of potbellied males lately..."

    mmmnnn nope. I specially like that kind of monsters/humans precisely because they look ugly. Asking me to use handsome/young/thin/muscular guys is a waste of time.

  11. (Guess I forgot my name last time. Anyway...)

    Aw, come on... I love monsters, but they've ALL been potbellied lately... I'm not asking you to make them "handsome"... just more like the orange demon or the red demon from your earlier sets... It'd be nice to see some insect-like monsters again, too. Or dragons.

    I guess, basically what I'm saying is, a little variety would be nice instead of having them all be the same type?
