Thursday, July 26, 2012

For Faro09 (cont.)

And these are the last two. Cum inflation/preggo was not on the request but... I felt like doing it anyway :3

I guess I'll go back to Selene now ;)


  1. Awesome job! Very hot! :D Love Jill!

  2. :) I didn't ask for it because I knew you would probably include it. It totally goes with your theme: Cute chicks getting impregnated by horrifying creature. Loving the continuation, X3 thanks!!

  3. Hey Vaesark

    Awhile back you worked on a set of stories with 3 dark elf like girls.

    What exactly happened to those?

    If I remember correctly was two of them finished and post but taken off again to be reposted as a set.

    Don't get me wrong I love you work and can respect you do whatever you want with you free time because I do the same but if you you are not planning on making the last story could we then please have the finished because they were very good.

  4. Super genial!. gracias Vaesark! =D

  5. hi vaesark love ur work as alway u are a great gift MAN love the doogy pic i just wish for one missionary but i love the new monster.

  6. Is there any possibility for Cassandra or Lilith (Sandra) to be back in full gallery?

  7. Faro09, you are welcome :3

    Anon, "What exactly happened to those?" Forget about it.

    Anon, Is there any possibility for Cassandra or Lilith (Sandra) to be back in full gallery?

    I don't have planed anything new for Cassandra and I'm not sure what Lilith you are talking about o_O

  8. I really like your preggo's. Thanks V!

