Saturday, January 21, 2023

Ilsa die Pferdezüchterin


New set, check it out ⤴


  1. Hey Vaesark, Ilsa is always a good one, although I don't prefer big boobs.

    One thing about the set was strange though... I feel like I already knew the first 20 pictures of the set. Weird...
    Nothing to blame in case you reuse camera settings etc.
    However, I would recommend not doing this as often and not in sets that are too similar if this is the case.
    (If I'm wrong, don't mind, then I have watch too much of our sets. :))

    And, I don't want to complain, but I would appreciate it if you could avoid edges and corners in the belly bulge.
    That lowers aesthetics a lot, imo.

    Keep up the good work, imo don't make much sets as possible, better rely on good quality. Amazing that you still render sets after all these years, this one was incredible #200. (not to mention the old Sets)

    Wish you the best und much creativity for 2023! :)

  2. I personally love the bigger ladies; For me extreme bulging is not that interesting so I second that critique but I liked most of the set and the kinks represented.
