Friday, June 28, 2019

Goblin Lover

Not to be confused with Goblin Slayer, totally different thing ;D


  1. Pritty vanilla for your usual content. In my opinion the girl is more an elf with different scin and could probably fit in any of your future elf Sets.

    1. I think vaesark will never make ugly girls
      Wich is completely perfect!
      But yes
      Very vanilla from the preview
      I need more giant dragons and horses.
      Multiple of those please
      But I think we are a minority

    2. well i liked bigger creature too

    3. zero0017, well... yes, the girl is a half-goblin, that's the reason for being taller than the average goblin (like the ones on the Paladin set) and also a lot more beautiful.

      DeutschesBrot, next set will have a giant monster, although the girl is not petite like this one (next set will feature Ilsa). But I have something in the works with a petite girl and huge creatures, it shouldn't take me too long to finish it.

      pepe69, keep an eye out for the next set then, the creature is one big MF.
