Friday, May 10, 2019

Dixie’s Dream

And what a dream it is, check the previews on my web:


  1. Sigh. Not another chestbuster-popping thing. I said this before, but too much bulge = VERY not sexy. It's a bell curve. Up to certain amount of belly bulge is sexy, but past that, the sexiness decreases, and with enough bulge, it's even less sexy than no bulge.

    1. Sigh. Not another guy who trys to sell his opinion as a fact.
      Many different fetishes are comming together here, no bulge, some bulge, big bulge (like me), birthing etc. etc. and V trys his best to juggle them so everyone finds something he likes.
      Just cut it out, dude!

    2. When did I ever say my opinion is fact? Don't put words in my mouth, then try to argue that as a fact. Everything I type (and everything you type) is opinion, as long as it's not scientifically proved.
      And yes, I am aware there are different fetishes, but based on the opinions of many previous sets with crazy belly bulges, you can tell that many people are not fond of such belly bulges.

    3. You said with no word that it's just your opinion.
      For me, I love big bulges

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
