Thursday, October 18, 2018

My brothers, come join me...

This is it, almost 10 years in the past, on a Sunday, 26 October of 2008 I started the blog and the "Vaesark"name/brand/persona, It's been 10 years, I have produced thousands of renders (literally).
I am among the "old guard" of 3D porn producers. Do you remember Svarog, fullytank, mongobongo, Zafo, Dizzydills, rawdarkness, hitmanx3z? From a time before SFM exploded and brought all of the 3D porn into the mainstream.

Fuck I feel even older writing about this but I hope that I can still do this for many more years. my brain still burns with ideas and stuff that I want to explore, and my dick is still craving for more and more lewd stuff. And for as long as I can work there will always be more.

Now, to the important part, as you may know, I've been working tirelessly (it's a lie, I'm tired as fuck) to make something special for the anniversary, more specifically, a set based on the ideas/requests of the top supporters (that applied to the VIP discord channels). it will have 11 mini sets, with a grand total of about 250 renders, more than 4x times the length of a regular release, the price will be 18€, so you still get more than double value compared to the regular releases. I hope that's fair enough, I have to compensate the hours that I've spent on this behemoth.

Without more delay, here are the previews of the mini sets:

I may take a break after this release, I need to recover the lost sleep hours. But Don't worry it wont be long, 2 weeks tops.  That will be all for now. Stay tuned for 26 of October, on that Friday I'll release the beast ( ^ -^)b


  1. If you want to talk old guard, I remember

    1. man, I'm talking about old guard, not ancient guard. lol

  2. I'm looking forward, Seldanna and the troll!

    Wonderful promo, wow! And Triss/Elina+Unicorn looks amazing too.

    Seldanna, Elina, Triss - Awesome!

    Nice birthday gift!

    1. yep, both Seldanna and Elina appear in 2 mini-sets, they where really popular.

      Seldanna is one of my personal favorites too.

  3. I’m really excited for this!
    So excited for Elina and Clara. Hope they get their usual pregnant sex. The girl at the top right looks like she’s gonna have fun.
    And is that Yasanna? Can’t wait to see her get a belly full again.

    1. The drow is T'riss, She's Zeerith's mother (and pretty much all of the other drow girls too).

    2. Oh awesome! I liked all of the Drow girls.
      So T’riss is the mother of most of your Drow girls?

    3. Thats interesting I you always claimed that all your Sets are in an alternative world but if T'riss is the mother of all the other Drows it nessessary means there is a canon storyline.

      I like it.

      So T'riss has like 9[+] Children (Yasanna, Zeerith, the girl from the "Pigs Den", Neera, Kelya, Elvane, Inala, Kaliath, Yvalee, +9 potential unnamed girls from oneshots and aniversities you created)

    4. Scpt B, yep, mother of *most* of them.

      zero count, almost all of them, but not all, also, not all the fathers where Dorws, hence why some of the girls have blue eyes or different skin tone.

    5. I googled and found: "almost all" is definitely over 75% but likely over 90%, it can get replaced by "not completely" and in mathematical meaning <1/100 (exp. almost all prime numbers are odd [2!])

      So I would argue she has 9[+9] children -1(or -2).

      I personaly thought the fathers are some animals or beasts and the Drowgenes where simply stronger (once in a while).

  4. To think...of those artists you listed, only 3 of them could qualify as "active," with only one regularly updating (Zafo). So many changes in these strange times...

    1. Welp, sometimes you get bored, or your life goes another direction, shit happens. I'm glad that I an among the ones that never stopped.

    2. We are VERY glad too. Thank you Vaesark

  5. You're the first 3D porn that I discovered at that time.

  6. Replies
    1. sorry, no one requested her. But at least you have her daughter ;)

  7. 10 years ago i wasn't even aware of this stuff.
    DarkCreatureZ was the first one for me to discover, but very soon followed V, fullytank, hitman, zzomp, mongobongo...
    i must admit V wasn't my fave then. i always liked his renders, but it wasn't before somewhere around CG60 that he took my personal pole position in the genre. i guess it's always gonna be a close call though, quite a few great producers out there...

    1. yeh, DarkCreatureZ and Zzomp seem to have left the hobby for good, I haven't heard of them in years.

      What did cg60 had that was special tho? was it Keyla? the comic-style panels? something else?

    2. Keyla IS exceptionally cute, but i couldn't pinpoint the exact moment or set - somewhere around CG60.
      Vera, Sheena, jungle girl, Seldanna, ...
      light, poses, action, facial expressions, level of detail etc., the allover quality of the renders - it all had a part.
      more of a slow development really than some particular thing i could put my finger on

    3. about the ones that quit: i haven't given up hope for them to return though -
      e.g. hitman had vanished for a real long time and he made a glorious comeback. so i keep my fingers crossed :)

    4. Yeah DarkcreatureZ was the first artist I discovered that in this genre before I found Vs work. I always wanted to see a continuation of the one with the chick in camo gets confronted at the end with the two huge monsters. I always wanted to see what they had in store for her. I wonder if V would be interested in picking up where DarkcreatureZ left off with his own twist on the story? Since we're getting so nostalgic.

    5. i looked it up and just like i remembered: the two huge demons don't get to screw that girl (Ashven), but they're back in a set called "trapped" and give another girl (Amenti) a wicked makeover...

    6. Learn something new everyday. I did not know the "trapped" set existed. I always liked his work Just wish he would have kept it up. Thanks for telling us about that one. I would love to see the Ashven set finished by some one though. Like many have said already I am really glad V has worked do hard to provide so much content, can't thank him enough for what he's done.

    7. david avery, I could do that, but only with explicit permission from him and, as far as I know, there's no way we can contact him or even verify his identity now >_<

  8. Vaesark - you are best!
    but can you make two choices - in clothes and without (at least in shoes or 3 choices - naked in shoes, naked and in clothes (maybe part clothes) :) )?
    example - girl in circus - is very sexy in clothes.
    And ordinary is naked (i very like such a shoes, but she very fast undressed:) ).
    All girls is naked - similar and no unique...

    I understand that is my preference and many likes a naked girls (and me)... perhaps))
    So having two options would be great

    1. Ya know, I was also hoping the girl in Circus would have sex with clothes a little bit more. She was very hot.

    2. oh, I myslef do prefer the girls with clothes on, but the clothes tend to get in the way sometimes, specially when I'm doing bulges, it becomes problematic as its easy to get the clothes clipping through the skin. But I assure you that, for most of the sets, the clothes will stay on for as long as I can keep them on.

    3. Sex in sexy shoes?
      like a Dizzydills girls...

      You like bulges? Many people like bulges? ))
      Maybe two choices - normal & bulges.
      I like normal... ))

      Thanks for the answer!

  9. Yeah alot of my favorite sights are gone. Even tentacles art is taking a back set. Google and Yahoo have crack down hard on porn. And copy rights and getting out of hand. But thank you vaesark your one of the last of and era.

  10. Hey vaesark you might want to leaded the charge for new artist
    To take up were the old has left off.
