Friday, August 10, 2018


It's pretty hot lately, time to go to the beach.


  1. Replies
    1. No, it's a modeled set. He's just cranked the blur and bloom up a lot.

    2. It's actually a mix of both, all that you see in the background (sky, sun, buildings, sand, sea) is a HDRI photo, the girl and a 4 square meters floor are the only 3d elements.

      I indeed blurred the background to make the border less obvious.

      I think the final result is quite convincing.

    3. Interesting to hear how you work. I came to idea because the changing sand-patterns looked a little to workintensive in my opinion.

  2. Oh man I’m pretty sure this is a girl from a past beast set, in which case I’m hoping she gets knocked up by some kind of animal, and if so, can you possibly include a birth scene in this one? I’ve been dying to see one of your beast sets end with a birthing scene forever, would’ve been great on the cop+horse, the Opala one or really any of them. That’s the only thing left that would take your sets to another level for me.

    sorry also not trying to be a moocher making requests and all that, I buy almost every set fwiw

    1. Dixie's had some past action with a number of animals.

    2. No animals this time, for that you'll have to wait till the next set with Avril, she fucks a number of horses.

      In the last set(Avril's show) she does get impregnated with a zombified creature, she gives birth to it and then has sex with it, but it's not an animal so I guess that it's not quite what you are looking for.

      For actual human giving birth to an animal... I'm considering it to the next set with the Egyptian family: Opala, Farrah and Osira. But at the moment it's only an idea, I haven't really started anything yet.

    3. Human giving birth to an animal in Opala set is a very good idea. I want to see this !

      The animal-son have the same race as his father and he may have the skin color and eyes of the mother.

    4. Oh Vaesark I really hope you do!
      Egyptian family would be so awesome if they all three get pregnant. Animal would be cool, but it doesn’t even have to be that. It could be monster too.

    5. I don't know about anyone else, but I am a bit tired of horses. They just can't do anything other than fucking (and not in sexy way, since I see a sharp bulge sticking out).

    6. We've had almost no horses at all. The only set in like the past half dozen that featured one was the Opala one and was only half of it. If that made you "a bit tired" of them then I think you're on your own, friend.

    7. Piper i agree with you. HMS can ignore sets he don't like.

    8. HMS, This year I've only made 2 sets with horses on them (Opala and Rookie Training). and not even exclusively (there where other animals too). I understand that you don't like them, but what is exactly what you expect me to do... not use them at all? O_o

  3. She looks like she is about to be Dagon'd

    1. As mush as I love the Lovecraft theme, this is not the case this time. She will be spending some quality time with her grandpa.

    2. Ooh! That sounds yummy too!

  4. Beach. So... who's her partner? Kraken? I can't think of any other monsters. There are bunch of swamp monsters, but not sea monsters.

    1. no monsters, only a regular old human. They'll make sweet passionate love on the sand as the sun goes down in the horizon.

  5. He's answered this once here and twice on the previous post. It's be a (relatively) normal human(ish) partner as her grandpa. It's literally just two comments up.
