Friday, June 15, 2018

Out of the woods

She lost herself

But she found wolf  knots.


  1. Bought it just now haha, looks great! Thanks for sticking with it, V! <3

    1. Did you do something different with her hair? Doesn't look like any other hair that I can remember you using for one of your girls.

  2. AWESOME!!! Her face in the DP scene is something to remember. :D

  3. Great work V! One of my favorite sets <3 Keep it up!

  4. Thanks for releasing this Vae!
    I hope you are able to keep doing more.
    I’m really excited for the sets you have talked about

    1. Same! Can't speak for anyone else but you can always count on my support <3

  5. Awsome set, I think the end was a little abrupt nevertheless I love it.

  6. Bought it.
    Hard to resist pregnant Taylor Swift. Haha
    Or really any celebrity female with beastial impregnation.

  7. Replies
    1. It has been rather quiet. Vae hasn't posted any responses yet, either.

  8. nicely done. not really me cup of tea though themewise. bought it anyway for support.
    i checked and found out there's almost a dozen sets from your back catalogue i didn't buy yet (mainly the zoo themed ones); money's tight (again!) atm but i will surely get to that with time.
    support ur global smutmaker! :)

  9. So sad to see that someone has already uploaded your new set to 8muses. There must be a way to sort this? Whoever did it has obviously bought the set (that’s why I didn’t this time around to give you one less person to point the finger to) Even if it means matching an IP address to see who buys the set / posts in on these websites? It’s a breach of copyright and is illegal I mean there must be a way to sort this out Vae?? I’m sure between everyonee we can come up with a way.

    I know some people are able to add scannable codes into photos, you could add a different one each time someone buys the set to a certain photo, then when it gets pirated you could see exactly who it was?

    I’m not sure, I’m trying to think of ideas here :( x All of us who are faithful and have been for years will be devastated if you have to stop because of a few evil people

    1. But would not everybody who can see the code cut it out bevor upload?
      (I never saw one so if it is invisible I excuse myself)

      My idea would be a personal single number on a sigle nonpublic picture, the clue the number has only a single pixelcolour difference to its surounding. Only V knows where it is and otherwise I doubt that anybody is able to see it.

  10. I can't help but notice. But don't wolves have retractable penis? I know dogs do, so I'm guessing wolves have the same structure. And yet, these wolves had their dick out beforehand. How the hell were the able to run? (w/o hitting themselves with dangling dicks)

    1. You're correct. It's just the effect Vae's girls have on any living being with phallic genetalia of any kind. Arousal is impossible to subdue, even when running full-speed through a forest.

  11. I’m super bummed Vaesarks gone dark...
