Thursday, April 12, 2018

Fallen 5

The plot thickens.


  1. Plots not the only thing that thickens 😏

  2. Bought it this morning. Looks great! The through-the-bars fucking was a nice touch. Sneaki girl is sneaki.

    1. Who could resist the temptation? specially after she gave him a lil succ and fucc.

  3. This set is amazing, i can't wait for fallen 6 !

    1. it will take some months, but I have already some ideas for the continuation.

  4. By far my favorite series. The 'rescued' warrior was on of my favourite characters too. Yes, Fallen 6 is eagerly awaited.

    1. welp, the truth is that what I have planed for 6 is not focused on that girl, but don't worry, she will have more action in the future.

  5. Hi Vaesark, first time poster here. I have been following your Fallen series since I saw it on Hentai Foundry. I have bought all the sets, and picked up this one as soon as it came out.

    I really like the corruption theme and that you take the time showing how each girl becomes a Fallen. Even without any dialogues, the plot is quite engaging.

    The Paladin is my favorite character as well. I like her character design, and how she gradually changes from a holy to unholy warrior. Her corruption stages are handled especially well.

    I really like seeing the Paladin (what's her name?) keeping her wits after her corruption, instead of becoming a mindless, sex-craving nymphomaniac. It's far more interesting and satisfying to see her escaping the jail using her guile and the sex craft she learned at the Fallen realm. For me at least, I find it more entertaining when the sex scene carries a stake, and serves to advance the plot.

    I also like the Paladin's eyes going from red to glowing red when she uses sex to subdue the jailer. She looks very sinister in pic 34, with her eyes glowing in the dark. One of my favorite pics in this set.

    By the way, who is the girl who tricked all the Paladins to be ambushed? In Fallen 4 she willingly went to the Fallen realm and it looks as if she triumphantly returned there. It also seemed to me that they were expecting her arrival. I was hoping to see more of her mystery revealed in Fallen 5, but I guess that will have to wait till later. :)

    Can't wait to see what happens in Fallen 6! Love your works! :)

    1. Thanks a lot.

      I do like to make it a slow and gradual process, with slight changes on how the corruption alters the body of the girls.

      Technically they are all paladins, some specialized on magic, but most use a combination of sword and magic. I assume that you refer to the long haired one that this set is focused on.

      So far the only named one is the first one: Linneth. They do keep their wits after the corruption, it also affects their magic powers, as well as giving them new ones, also, although they retain their individuality they begin to feel the influence of the corruption, affecting their desires, the first one is obviously lust, and a desire to extend the corruption itself. More of that will be shown in the future, as well as the source of the corruption.

      The girl from fallen 4 is a regular person, mostly to show that some may willingly desire to be corrupted and gain the powers associated with it, she will appear on Fallen 6, along with the paladin that she tricked into believing that she was rescued, the one that could not scape in time.

  6. As much as i love the Fallen series (and once again your work is superb in this one as well), i feel it´s kinda a bit of a filler between the big things happening before and are comming next.
    Non the less i´m happy to have bought it.

    1. welp, I guess that it would depend on what you expect. On the post above I've mentioned some details from the next Fallen, hopefully it will be more to your liking.

    2. Speaking of things coming next, a WIP you briefly posted looked like a nice redhead in a forest. Another Nymph set or something new?

    3. Veasark please don´t get me wrong. I love the new set and it is with your usual quality and fine look towards creating a scene. Just as you said/showed this one gives of a bit of a transition in the story and a bit less of being a major part of it itself.

    4. Jacob, that would be the wood elf, the girl for the next set, with a plant monster with tentacles and a jaguar.

      Andreas, oh, I understand, and I guess that you are technically right, the events I have planed for the next chapter are more thrilling.

    5. How can I get WIP? Is it possible? I bought 10+ sets from another account because I want to hide my real name. I need to buy more sets? I really like your work and I check your web every day to see new activity.

    6. Join Discord through the invitation banner on the right and then check the "#rules-and-vip-channels" for more info.

  7. Very nice set but i have two little problems with it.
    The "crystals" are for me a little too bright because they overshadow(bright) everything.

    The set ends right in the action and gives the feeling as if I miss one or two pages.

    Nevertheless I am exited for the next part.
    By the way, are there other creatures besides demons?

    1. I had i feeling that I didn't get the intensity right :/ sorry about that.

      As for the abrupt ending, that would be correct too, but it will take a bit more than 2 more shots to end that scene.

      Any creature can be corrupted, besides the dogs that you have seen before I also plan on adding other corrupted beasts, but that will be in future sets.

    2. A good paladin needs a good horse, after all. :3
