Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Adeline spread

This renders come courtesy of a generous soul, Scope:


  1. The return of Adeline in a new set ? This a very good news, she's my favorite girl with Supergirl and Amanda !

    1. woah, slow down, it's not a new set, just these 4 renders.

      However, I am indeed working on a new set with Supergirl.

    2. Most people see a preview-esque post like this a few days after your last full release and automatically assume it's a new set without reading through the post properly.

  2. Thanks Vaesark!

    I asked these renders be made availability to the community for all to enjoy. I can't stand good art being horded. So please enjoy all and thank Vaesark.

    Not sure which one I like more, the one where my eyes automatically start peeling the fabric off her body. Or the mix of elf and monster cum her cunt just retched up on the ground. :D

  3. Amazing! I love Adeline, I was looking forward to another picture, and with the trolls, great!

    The puddles of the seeds and limbs in the background are amazing!

  4. Adeline, Averil/Averyl, Powergirl and Commandant Ilsa are my favorites. I think you can sense a trend here.

    1. Powergil and Commandant Ilse - mine too, from humans (Muhehehe! A sinister laugh) or Diana.

      But at Powegirl and Ilse - the human models are also my favorite. Powergirl I had about a year as the backdrop of the area (Some time Adeline, and for some time the mix of other girls, but Powegirl clearly leads)


      Adelina is so cute, gentle, yet perverse - With those trolls and big horse - That's why she's great and popular.

      (But Seldanna had the first big horse/Unicorn)

    2. Ah, I knew there was a lot of Kommandant Isla love. She's is gorgeous and has quite a rack haha I'd love to see Vaesark do her again haha
