Sunday, August 2, 2009

I'm Back!

I got my PC back on Thursday and finished reinstalling the basic software yesterday. And now, it's time to get back to rendering, as I already mentioned, the old models "died" so I have to rebuild them or make new ones. Here's the first one, a drow, based on the girl from the "horny gorilla" set (CG O).

She will be on the first of my new sets.

The Darkest Desire Comic will continue, but it will take some time to create all the characters and scenes again so, don't expect it any time soon, I will do some CG sets instead... maybe that one about SoulCalibur I mentioned in the previous post.


  1. so my sacrifieces did work^^ now i got my reason to live back XD

  2. Great that you will be posting again soon! We missed you.

  3. Looks hotter than your other drows. Can't wait for the set!

  4. Nice to have you and your work back.
    Can hardly wait for the new stuff..

    All the best, JC

  5. Wohoo welcome back we missed you. You said your old models "died". does taht mean we see no more xiana? And what is with eve? Nooooooooooo....

    Cant wait to see you nwe or reborn models XD

  6. Welcome back into the fold! ^_^
    Looks like you're off to a good start of coarse.

    I'm glad the hard part of your tech problems have been worked out. Cuz I know that's a horrible blow to your schedule and motivation.

    Though I think we might like to see a bit more meat on her hips, that was only one shot, so I can't say for sure yet.

  7. Welcome back!I miss you and drows so much!

  8. Welcome back

    SC set... Taki(for those who don't know = ninja girl in red latex-like clothes :D )

    Taki in RAPT clothes... That would be sth... plus some monsters :D ... dragon ogres.... everything !!! :D Battle surrender... Minotaurs ?

    Sophia (valkyrie) with some undead ? :)

  9. Soul Calibur? That's one hell off a good idea, actually

    I'd love to see it

  10. Model is even better then before. She is alive!!!! Nice done :)

  11. Que bien que ya andas en el camino de renderear de nuevo Vaesark. Espero tomes en cuenta la idea ya mencionada de hacer a Taki su vestimenta sería de las más fáciles de hacer para las imagenes iniciales del set. Espero de verdad puedas hacer realidad tu idea de las bellezas del soulcalibur creándolas con tus dones de artista ^_-

    Que te vaya muy bien y esperemos ya sean ellas o nuestras amadas elfas que haces, pero que regreses con los buenos sets que a todos nosotros nos gustan. Gracias.

  12. WitheringintheDarknessAugust 11, 2009 at 4:25 AM

    She's cute, though looks more like a half-drow(well, depending on the world setting) I've loved all your previous drow, not just because they fit FR drow to a T, but because you are one of the few that I have seen able to get the skin tone so dark, and quite possibly the only one to get it that way with that beautiful sheen that shows off those obsidian curves. Not even Lotus at Renderosity, despite his infatuation with drow and considerable talent, hasnt managed to do it quite as well as you have.

    Your other characters are no less than awesome either; your stuff could easily top renders from payment-required so-called 'Premium' galleries i've seen on sites.
